Family photos - 3:00 PM at wedding venue
Other guests arrive - 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at wedding venue
Last shuttle from Twin Forks Park and Ride - 5:00 PM
Assemble in Pasture - 5:15 PM
Ceremony - 5:30 PM
Food and continued drink service - 6:00 PM
First Shuttle back to Twin Forks Park and Ride - 7:30 PM
Camp fire snacks - 8:00 PM
Last Shuttle back to Twin Forks Park and Ride - 11:00 PM
*See FAQ for more information
The ceremony will be held at our home and because of limited parking options, we ask all guests park at the Twin Forks Park and Ride (6164 US Hwy 285, Morrison, CO 80465).
We will provide shuttle service to our house starting at 2:45 PM for family. For all other guests, we will have shuttles leaving the Park & Ride every 30 minutes starting at 3:30 pm with the last shuttle departing at 5:00 pm. The shuttle can transport 32 guests at a time.
Please arrive as early as you are able, and we apologize in advance for any waiting you may experience!
The ceremony is at 5:30 PM with dinner and dancing to follow. The return shuttle service will begin again at 7:30 PM and will be available every half hour until the last shuttle at 11:00 PM.
If you have special transport needs, don't hesitate to reach out to Jeri at
To make the most of our time together, we will be hosting a tailgate brunch on Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. We will have bagels and drinks in the Upper North Lot of Red Rocks Amphitheater. Plan to socialize, react to stories of the wedding night and take a stroll around the amphitheater, one of Colorado's most iconic sites!